Board Development

Board Development

Toolkit Overview: 

How does a board of directors achieve its goals of overseeing your organization?

This toolkit outlines some of the processes that you will need to consider and develop to build and maintain your board, determine its effectiveness, and enact all of the board’s duties in a consistent and transparent way.  Developing, documenting and following your processes will ensure that: you are functioning according to the law, your board members understand how to participate in decision making, and your members have opportunities to engage with the organization, in particular decision-making processes.  This can lead to a more inclusive and equitable community-based organization. 

Learning Objectives:

  • To understand some of the key processes for building and maintaining a board.
  • To understand essential processes and decision-making in your governing body
  • To understand how to use tools and templates provided to develop and follow practices for good decision making. 


Board Development Manual

Slide Deck-Board Development

Board Building and Recruiting

Worksheets and Forms-Board Development

Examples of By-Laws
